So it seems I may have misjudged Stefan after “The Birthday”. I thought he was completely off the rails, but it seems after watching “The Hybrid” he still can be saved. The question is will Elena still be waiting faithfully for him or will her growing connection with Damon win out?
Well, as of this episode Elena is still focused primarily on finding Stefan. Damon, still upset at the death of Andie last episode does not want to help this time. So Elena goes to her backup helper Alaric. Cue akward scene where Alaric who is essentially her teacher, is half naked as Elena wakes him up and basically forces him to come with her to look for Stefan. Elena gives Alaric his ring back so that he will be safe if attacked and talk of Alaric’s probable alcoholism ensues. That is what I love about this show. The characters have great flaws but they do not hide behind them or sweep them under the rug. Pretty soon Damon joins in the search although he proves he is not too happy to be there by pushing Elena into the water so they can have a sexy water logged fight where he eventually gives in to Elena, while reminding her in true Damon style that if he gets hurt they might have to re-live “the death bed kissy thing.” I mean did Elena actually think Alaric would not call his best buddy Damon and tell him what was going on?
Well, as of this episode Elena is still focused primarily on finding Stefan. Damon, still upset at the death of Andie last episode does not want to help this time. So Elena goes to her backup helper Alaric. Cue akward scene where Alaric who is essentially her teacher, is half naked as Elena wakes him up and basically forces him to come with her to look for Stefan. Elena gives Alaric his ring back so that he will be safe if attacked and talk of Alaric’s probable alcoholism ensues. That is what I love about this show. The characters have great flaws but they do not hide behind them or sweep them under the rug. Pretty soon Damon joins in the search although he proves he is not too happy to be there by pushing Elena into the water so they can have a sexy water logged fight where he eventually gives in to Elena, while reminding her in true Damon style that if he gets hurt they might have to re-live “the death bed kissy thing.” I mean did Elena actually think Alaric would not call his best buddy Damon and tell him what was going on?
Speaking of best buddies, it seems we have a few new bromances going on this season besides the main (and most awesome) one between Alaric and Damon. The first sort of new bromance is the one between Stefan and Klaus. It really seems that Klaus is keeping Stefan around because he needs a companion and is sort of lonely in an evil villian sort of way. Stefan says to him in the beginning of the episode he does not want to make small talk with Klaus, but by the end of the night of plans gone terribly wrong Stefan realizes he has no choice but to be Klaus’s comrade if he wants to keep Elena and Damon safe.
The second new bromance is the one between Matt and Jeremy. Matt reluctanly agrees to help Jeremy when Jeremy asks him for some of Vicki’s personal effects so that he can make his connection with her ghost stronger. Unfortunately, Jeremy sees Vicki who says she can come back but needs help and then Anna who says not to trust Vicki. What is Jeremy supposed to do now? It is good he has a just as perplexed Matt by his side for this one.
Speaking of being by his side, it seems Tyler does not realize that when he woke up that morning, Caroline was no longer next to him. Mrs. Mayor Lockwood spikes Tyler’s cofee with vervain and then tells Tyler Caroline snuck out like a prostitute. His first reaction is suprise that Caroline snuck out. Seriously? Then Tyler sort of defends Caroline’s honor by saying she is not a prostitiute. Mrs. Lockwood just nods, more relieved her son is not a vampire because he does not get sick form the laced coffee. Little does she know what he really is. So Mrs Lockwood calls a mysterious new man to town to help her take care of the Caroline problem.
Since we are talking about problems, let’s discuss the big problem of the epsiode. Well it seem Klaus wants to create a hybrid army. With the help of Ray Sutton, the werewolf Klaus and Stefan tortured last week, they find a pack of wolves getting ready for their full moon transformation in the woods of Tennessee. What Klaus does not know is that Alaric and Elena and eventually Damon are there too. In fact Klaus supposedly does not know Elena is still alive. This brings me to two big questions I have. First does Klaus really not know Elena is not dead? It seems hard to believe, but his meltdown at the end of the espisode when all his hybrids have died from going rabid leaves me confused. Also how the heck does Stefan hear Damon and the gang and Klaus does not? Isn’t Klaus supposed to be the most powerful creature there is?
Speaking of powerful creatures, Tyler finally wises up he is mom is up to no good when at the grill he tastes more sour coffess and Matt tells him the coffee tastes like that because it has vervain in it. Tyler confronts his mom and they have a conversation about not pretending they do not know about the vampires in Mystic Falls. Then Tyler does something that is both noble and nuts and forces his mother to watch him transform into a wolf so she can truly see who he really is and that Caroline is not a monster.
What are really monsters this episode are the hybrids Klaus creates. Klaus’s plan goes south when the hybrids start bleeding from the eyes and Ray Sutton escapes, even biting Stefan in the process. Stefan is once again forced to need Klaus because he needs his blood to stay alive. Klaus will not give Stefan his blood until Stefan finds Ray. However, Damon, Elena and Alaric find Ray first. They tie Ray up, but being a rabid hybrid he starts to transform into a werewolf early and they are forced to run. Of course Elena falls and Damon has to distract Raywolf so that Alaric and Elena can escape. Elena does not want to leave Damon in the woods, so Alaric finally takes command and mans up to protect Elena and forces her to the car. Damon fights with Ray in the woods and almost gets bit again but Stefan swoops in at the last second and rips out Ray’s heart essentially saving Damons’ life The first heart rip of the season goes to Stefan! Stefan tells Damon to take Elena home and make her stay there this time. So Damon sort of does as told and finds Elena and Alaric and they go home as Stefan watches them go.
Stefan goes back to Klaus who is having a fit because all his hybrids are dead. His mission to create a hybrid army has failed, even though he did everything he was supposed to. Stefan looks really guilty when he realizes Elena being alive is probably the reason the plan did not work, but thankfully he blames his concerned look on having a wolf bite and tells Klaus he failed him because he let Ray die. For a second you do not know what Klaus is gonna do. Another thing I love- the unpredictability of Klaus. But Klaus does give Stefan the blood he needs and they leave the woods in defeat.
Back in Mystic Falls Damon waits for Elena in her room and tells her he was wrong. She immediately thinks he is drunk and the more I think about this scene, the more I realize it is one of the only scenes between them set in Elena’s bedroom where Damon is not drunk, angry, or forced to use compulsion. They actually have an honest conversation where he tells her Stefan can be saved because he even in his darkest hour he could not let Damon die. However he makes Elena admit to him that she was worried about him in the woods and that is why she agreed to leave. He tells Elena that he hopes she remembers how she felt for Damon while Stefan was gone after he gets Stefan back from hell for her. Then he actually leaves by the stairs, going down just as Alaric is coming up, apparently moving back in afterall. Alaric asks Elena if she knows what she is doing and she admits she does not.
Mrs. Lockwood also has no clue what to do now. After realizing Tyler is a wolf, Mrs. Lockwood agrees to not hurt Caroline. However, it is too late, the new guy Bill is already on his way to Caroline. Is he going to hurt her? When she sees him, all she has to say him is ”Daddy” and the show takes yet another crazy turn. Just another day in Mystic Falls folks!