Thursday, September 22, 2011


Paul Wesley Tells AOL TV That He Loves Playing Ripper StefanJean Bentley with AOL TV braved an interview with Paul Wesley to discuss that most dangerous of creatures: Ripper Stefan! From the sound of things, the actor is really enjoying his bloody new role:
Cast and crew on ‘The Vampire Diaries’ are notoriously tight-lipped, and rightfully so, since each episode of the series contains more twists than a water slide at Six Flags. But through the cagey responses and deflecting jokes during our interview, Wesley was so certain about one answer that he didn’t even let us finish the question. When asked if he preferred playing Good Stefan or Ripper Stefan, we couldn’t even complete the thought before he responded.
“Ripper Stefan. Huh? What was the question? Yeah. Look, when it’s raining for a really long time, I want sunshine — actually, I always want sunshine. Let me give you a different analogy. When it’s really hot, sometimes I would like some snow. But if I’m in a blizzard, I would like some sun. Right now I’m really enjoying Ripper Stefan.”
Paul wasn’t the only one who had thoughts to share about Ripper Stefan and what he’ll mean for the show. Nina Dobrev also had some things to say about how Elena is handling the change.
“She shifts into a gear where she’s playing investigator as well, tracking clues and trying to find out where he is and what he’s been doing so that she can save him,” star Nina Dobrev told AOL TV during a break in filming. “She thinks that he’s in trouble, that he needs to be saved, so she’s trying to save him.”